Perpetrator or Victim?
A decade after the ICC opened its investigation in northern Uganda, it lays its hands on a suspect in that conflict: a former child soldier.
A decade after the ICC opened its investigation in northern Uganda, it lays its hands on a suspect in that conflict: a former child soldier.
Nine conclusions we can draw from the hype machine that was the viral advocacy campaign, Kony 2012. One of them was that ordinary Ugandans saw right through it.
The need to move the art discussion away from Darwinian interests in gorillas to the concern for new audiences for contemporary art in Africa.
Western media tends to render female children invisible not just by a lack of coverage but also in the language we talk about them.
The writer, who lives in the U.S., travels with her teenage son back to Nigeria just as the country proposes a new law to criminalize same sex love.
The world, via American, is getting to know about how in Ghana the lines between religion and politics, and fact and fiction are often blurred.
Here’s the `other’ news from Uganda this week. Dateline: Kampala: “Police have warned the public against
The key question: Are you black? Worry. It is almost always your fault.
An open letter to the New Yorker over its approving coverage of mercenary-activity-for-humanitarian-intervention, despite its record of failure in Central Africa.
The plague of evangelical Christianity and its role in fueling homophobia in African countries like Uganda.
Fantasizing about transferring refugees to third countries, has long been a project of the Israeli state and its policy makers.
"Top Gear" presents Africa as background to white, English gentlemanly machismo.
The Ugandan photographer: "It gets even more complicated being a photojournalist in Africa feeding foreign channels with African events."
The writer revisits his notes from 2005 when he visited Acholiland, the site of a conflict between the LRA and Uganda's military.
We thought it would be nice to compile a Bonus Music Break centered on acoustic guitar
In October 2011, the Ugandan government sent Ingrid Turinawe to the infamous Luzira Prison–Uganda’s Guantánamo–for the
Five for the weekend. I haven’t done this in a while. First up Philadelphians Chill Moody (rapper) and
We want to step off #Kony2012 (we promise to lay off them by this weekend), but
A big part of the story that is being missed about Invisible Children is that they're firmly rooted in Evangelical Christianity.
It has come to this. Musicians, especially rappers, had to wade in on the American social media campaign to "Make Kony Famous."