Everything happening to you is a wound
In a new film, five young Zulu women set off on a trek in Africa’s oldest nature reserve, as the latter is threatened by coal mines and rhino poachers.
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Dan Moshenberg founded Women In and Beyond the Global, a open access feminist forum.
In a new film, five young Zulu women set off on a trek in Africa’s oldest nature reserve, as the latter is threatened by coal mines and rhino poachers.
In Morocco, the real story is once more that of women organizing, pushing back and pushing forward, creating new spaces precisely where others try to shut them down.
The astonishing lengths to which the South African state went to demean and diminish Marikana miners, dead and living, and their loved ones.
In Kenya, women are organizing against the gender and moral police. Theyr’e using hashtags: #SavetheMiniskirt, #StripMeNot and #MyDressMyChoice.
It turns out the majority of Burkinabé favor progressive change on gender rights.
Workers in the Western Cape’s wine district describe a place where bosses engage in a reign of force and aggression, and where workers are “afraid to die too soon.”
There is no evidence that Nigeria is under attack from gays and lesbians or the nation’s “culture” being eroded from within by “waves of sexual marauders.”