The future of Angolan knowledge
Academics in Angola’s public universities are on strike. But instead of only being concerned with the decay of higher education, they are connecting with the struggles of Angola’s working class.
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Gilson Lázaro is an associate professor in the Sociology Department at Agostinho Neto University and an investigator at the Center for African Studies at the Catholic University of Angola.
Academics in Angola’s public universities are on strike. But instead of only being concerned with the decay of higher education, they are connecting with the struggles of Angola’s working class.
Preocupado em atrair investimentos estrangeiros e combater à corrupção ao administrar uma divisão no partido no poder, o presidente angolano João Lourenço ignora o seu aliado mais forte: a sociedade civil jovem.
Preoccupied with attracting foreign investment and fighting corruption while managing a split in the ruling party, the Angolan president João Lourenço ignores his strongest ally: youthful civil society.