The Two Sudans
During the Cold War, Khartoum was very successful at frustrating solidarity by other Africans for South Sudan's independence struggle.
During the Cold War, Khartoum was very successful at frustrating solidarity by other Africans for South Sudan's independence struggle.
Last month the government of South Sudan passed a decree that the national anthem could not be sung not in the presence of the President. What could be behind this decision?
Once upon a time, South Sudanese exiles in Khartoum—inspired by, among others, Charles Dickens and Malcolm X—had a radical vision for their new country.
Youth activism and the politics of violence in South Sudan.
Collecting football stories that highlight the world – the African world, in this case – and making the Seattle game global in the process.
What will the renewed land debate in South Africa mean for the border woes of neighbors such as Lesotho?
Do online movements such as #MeToo #HerToo and #TimesUp do enough to address the experiences of all victims of sexual violence?
Few places in the world have taken a beating like South Sudan. How did it come to this?
The largest South Sudanese rebel movement is now in a leadership dispute proving more pernicious than Khartoum’s counter-insurgency strategies.
Their voices, sharp and angry, shook me from my slumber. I didn’t know the language, but
The AU seeks an increased role in emergencies like the Ebola crisis in West and Central Africa and the civil war in South Sudan.
We've teamed up with brand new soccer kit supplier AMS (like them on Facebook) to give you the chance to win a Sierra Leone or South Sudan kit.
The documentary film. “Zoran and his African Tigers,” shows how harsh and unforgiving international football can be.
The online retrospective, “Literary Sudans," is intended to highlight the two Sudans as sites of literature and culture.
On July 6 2011, the world’s diplomatic elite flocked to one of the globe’s most underdeveloped
Ethiopia forcibly relocates rural populations, often at gunpoint and never with any consultation, so the land can become "more productive."
Recent demonstrations in Sudan’s capital Khartoum over road conditions and traffic signals have led some observers
Today’s New York Times Magazine carries a fawning profile of John Prendergast, the force behind the
Journalist Maggie Fick is covering South Sudan’s self-determination referendum for the AP. She’s only one of