Círculo completo
O cantor holandês e cabo-verdiano Nelson Freitas sobre o crescimento e a popularidade da cultura africana em todo o mundo.
O cantor holandês e cabo-verdiano Nelson Freitas sobre o crescimento e a popularidade da cultura africana em todo o mundo.
Dutch and Cape-Verdean singer Nelson Freitas on the growth and popularity of African culture across the world.
Cabo Verde’s success at the Africa Cup of Nations temporarily suspended the debate on the identity of the island nation's people.
O sucesso de Cabo Verde no campeonato africano das nações suspendeu temporariamente o debate sobre a identidade do povo.
Amilcar Cabral’s influence stretched far beyond the Portuguese colonies, profoundly influencing the political struggle in South Africa, past and present.
On the 50th anniversary of his murder, those who fought alongside Amilcar Cabral give a painful reminder of what could have been had he lived to see Guinea Bissau’s independence.
The profound influence, often underplayed, that great African revolutionary Amílcar Cabral had on Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire.
Antonio Tomás’ new book on Amilcar Cabral takes us back to the crucible of decolonization and permits us to assess its aspirations and limitations anew.
Amilcar Cabral remains inspirational for Africans and non-Africans challenged by injustice and oppression.
The island nation's celebrated political system was never a gift bestowed, but seized through sheer agency and hard-fought autonomy.
Amilcar Cabral and the liberation of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde from Portuguese colonialism.
Episode 3 of Africa is a Country Radio is live on Groovalizacion and the AIAC Mixcloud
No.17 in our regular update on new African films to watch.
Watching the African Nations Cup with Ghana fans on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn.
Angola is the big brother of Africa’s Lusophone nations, so Cape Verde’s win over Angola in AFCON 2013 was greatly appreciated.
What we learned from Day 8 of the 2013 African Cup of Nations.
The first in our Africa Nations Cup 2013 playlists; to drown out the commentator if they are annoying you during the game.
South Africa’s form has been dismal for a while now. Pre-Afcon, Elliot Ross concluded here that
The national football team's oach Lúcio Antunes: “We respect all our opponents but we are not afraid of anyone.”