The two Africas
In the latest controversies about race and ancient Egypt, both the warring ‘North Africans as white’ and ‘black Africans as Afrocentrists’ camps find refuge in the empty-yet-powerful discourse of precolonial excellence.
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Haythem Guesmi is a Tunisian writer and critic.
In the latest controversies about race and ancient Egypt, both the warring ‘North Africans as white’ and ‘black Africans as Afrocentrists’ camps find refuge in the empty-yet-powerful discourse of precolonial excellence.
تكمن فرادة حالة العدمية في أفريقيا كتاريخ وحضارة وشعوب في ارتباطها المتشعب بواقع دموي عنيف من جهة وصيرورة رؤى طوباوية من جهة أخرى، كما يعبر عنه كل من رواية “ذوي الجمال لم يولدوا بعد” للكاتب الغاني ايي كواي أرما وفيلم “آخر أيام المدينة” للمخرج المصري تامر سعيد.
The history of Africa involves navigating utopian visions and brutal realities as the recent work of Egyptian filmmaker Tamer el-Said’s and before that, Ayi Kwei Armah show.
It is no longer shocking to witness the prejudice among French institutions and intelligentsia against Africa and Africans.
Fanon is your revolutionary’s revolutionary. His life and work continue to inspire and empower a new generation of dreamers and fighters.
Displacing African Studies outside of Africa and emptying it of transformative potential, obscures its revolutionary legacy. The result: an impotent, banal field.
The documentary film, ‘When Paul came over the sea’ (2017) is an important summary of the conditions and motives behind forced displacement of African migrants
Fascists love Kylian Mbappé and hate Karim Benzema. Between these two lies the problem of romanticizing the French team as an African team.
Tunisia played England in France ’98. English hooligans attacked Tunisians in the streets of Marseille. Algerians came to Tunisians’ rescue.
The plot of Drake’s music video for “God’s Plan” is him giving him out money to the poor. What was he trying to say?
Nostalgia for Gaddafi reflects a depressing understanding of African politics which rules that a dictator is better than a chaotic political void.
Racism and discrimination are central to the social and cultural hierarchy in the Maghreb. Libya is no exception.
The number of African migrants who have lost their lives in the Mediterranean is a tragedy, shamefully under-analyzed over the past 20 years.
Police brutality mediates the relationship between French citizens of African descent and public and political institutions.
Racism against its black citizens permeates the social, institutional, and political strata of Tunisia.