Transnational African feminisms
What roles have francophone African women played in movements for pan-African liberation, historically and now?
5 Articles by:
Annette Joseph-Gabriel, assistant professor of French and Francophone Studies at the University of Michigan.
What roles have francophone African women played in movements for pan-African liberation, historically and now?
The life of Lumumba advisor, Andree Blouin, offers lessons about the historically racialized and sexualized representations of women of color in politics.
The film BACK UP! and important conversations about state violence, racism, global imperialism, and, crucially, the internal workings of social movements.
There is a long history of white artists representing black people in France, reproducing stereotypes and failing to capture the people they claim to represent.
A possible French victory hovers like a thin layer of hope that barely veils the simmering anger at France’s neglect of the islands and pessimism about the future.