The opacity of Fanon
This week on AIAC Talk, we speak with Leswin Laubscher and Derek Hook about the phenomenology of Franz Fanon and the ways he is understood throughout different eras of time.

Justice for All March, Washington DC, 2014. Credit Fusebox Radio via Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0.
In this week’s episode of AIAC Talk, we speak to Professor Leswin Laubscher and Professor Derek Hook from Duquesne University, who with Miraj Desai, are editors of the upcoming book Fanon, Phenomenology, and Psychology (published by Routledge). From twentieth-century anti-colonial movements to contemporary struggles for racial and economic justice, Fanon remains a cherished source of political guidance—but how have his psycho-analytical and philosophical insights been neglected?
This is also the last episode where Sean joins us as a regular co-host. Will is taking up the baton as our solo regular host for now. Sean will be missed!
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