Obviously, this is not working
A jihadist insurrection has claimed 40% of Burkina Faso’s national territory. The response by military-political elites has been to add to the instability and crisis by fomenting coups.
3 Articles by:
Bamba Ndiaye is a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society for the Humanities and the Music Department at Cornell University.
A jihadist insurrection has claimed 40% of Burkina Faso’s national territory. The response by military-political elites has been to add to the instability and crisis by fomenting coups.
After defying the state apparatus in March 2021, Senegalese voters sent a strong message of disobedience and sanction via their ballots in January 2022 and signaling their readiness for another regime change in 2024.
Election meddling may have sullied the reputation of Senegal as a beacon of democracy in West Africa, but a popular opposition candidate is giving hope for a new wave of Pan-Africanism in the region.