The madness we’ve eaten

Ghanaian artist Wanlov the Kubolor’s has an Afcon 2013 playlist for his country's national football team.

Image: Make a Road Safe, via Flickr CC.

The first track I am picking for my playlist is a message to Ghana’s Black Stars (they play Cape Verde in the first of Afcon 2013’s quarterfinal matches in about 9 hours) that there is no shortcut somewhere worth going to. Hard work will pay off. This should ginger them out of the locker room if the coach has eaten too much kenkey and is being dull.

I want the Black Stars to think of all the African Ladies they can receive like antenna signals when they win this cup.

If the Black Stars won’t do it for their mothers or mother Ghana, at least they should do it for the Azonto girls.

Kaalu means “don’t fcuk around”. Black Stars you better fcukus! Nanduruwa!

I hope our opponents know the madness we have eaten (that’s a literal translation).

Photo:  Akira Suemori, via Flickr (CC).

Attention opponents! Everytime Black Stars score or after we win, please sing this song replacing “Vera” with the name of the goal scorer or Black Stars. You will feel better sooner …

Because this is what we will sing each time we score… …then we’ll just keep dancing …then we’ll switch briefly from Azonto to Simigwado dancing to confuse the opponent’s coach before they can steal some of the azonto moves …and as the opponents cry leaving the field too angry to shake hands well or look into the eyes of the Black Stars, this song will remind them that all is part of life.

Further Reading